Tuesday, October 19, 2010


One of my students name is Silas. This note is from his homework folder so I would see it before I graded his work....he's brazillian, and is struggling with the English side of things. He is trying so hard and I'm so proud of him. This note totally made my day, I think I will save it forever. Please pray for Silas

bonding with the students

yet another carwash to raise finances for another staff....you gotta make these things fun :)

one of my students Kalyne

me and 2 of my small group girls..love them!

these are 2 of my students..its going to be an interesting year.

Just a few pictures of life recently. I've been getting to know my students, and finding they are such fun and genuine people. I've been so blessed by their friendships already! I started holding my small group last week and it went really well. I have 3 young girls under the age of 21 in my group, and they are such beauties! I feel so blessed that God has entrusted me to take care of these girls in whatever ways I can. Please pray for wisdom for me as they allow me to mentor them and speak into their lives, that I would be able to give them wisdom that comes from God...cuz I really don't have much of my own! ;)
We just finished Exodus, now onto Leviticus! Love grading students work and helping them figure out what they're doing.
Still apartment hunting, not having much luck. It's frusterating, but trusting God has the perfect place.
Thanks for your prayers....lots of love.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First teaching=DONE!

trying to look like a teacher

my fellow staff..love these crazies


more teaching

My first teaching is officially done and over with!! I feel so relieved! Thank you to all those who were praying for me, I hugely felt your prayers. I couldn’t believe how calm I felt and how much fun I had interacting with my class. They seemed to have fun too, and got really involved in the teaching. In the end I decided to teach on the life of Joseph, more specifically on Genesis 39. I was so challenged by the integrity and morality Joseph showed in this chapter.  Really, Joseph was done injustice to twice, first when his own brothers sold him into slavery, and second when he was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and thus thrown into prison. But how cool is it that as a result of these things happening God used him to save all of Egypt from famine? This story was such a picture to me of God using what man intends for evil, for his good. ( ‘Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today.’ Genesis 49:20)  And also a picture of how God loves to bless us when we are faithful to Him. Joseph’s life was an example of faith in God no matter what the circumstance was. Life definitely wasn’t fair to him, yet he never complained or questioned God, and in fact gave Him all the glory for restoring his life back to him.
I was challenged by Joseph’s faith, that trusting God can’t be based on circumstances.
I had a great time sharing these truths with my class! And it really seems that God worked through me despite the fact that it was my first teaching and I really don’t know what I’m doing! J I was sooooo encouraged by my students responses, it feels so great to be a part of this. I love sharing the treasures that God reveals to me in His Word with others…I feel so blessed.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for my students, some of them are really struggling to catch on, and are really discouraged.
Thanks for reading and aloha.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

School is officially in session...

So school has started! We started classes on Monday, teaching the inductive Bible Study method. I really like my class, they're fun. We have 24 students and so far they seem to be grasping the method for the most part. Some of the girls are feeling really overwhelmed and there have been some tears, so I am trying to just be there for them as much as I can. I can relate SO much to them, as I remember feeling every emotion that they're going through. Please pray for my students, that they will be able to stay calm and not allow their emotions to override what God wants to speak to them in this time. My first teaching is early next week, I'm still terrified, but it's really coming together. God has been showing me what He wants me to share and how, so I'm very thankful for that!
Still apartment hunting, no luck so far...please pray that God will bring the right place up at the right time.
God continues to amaze me and I just can't believe how good life is! I feel so alive knowing I am in the centre of His will...what a great God we serve.
thank you for your prayers, hope you all have a great weekend!