Friday, November 19, 2010

my weekend in Maui...

Linda and me

random guy spray painted pictures for us...pretty cool!

Linda and Steve

me and Linda and a huge banyan tree

Linda and Steve gifted me with an amazing weekend in Maui last weekend. It was so great to see friends from home. We had a great time, catching up and seeing the island. Thanks again Linda and Steve, it was such a refreshing weekend that truly blessed me!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

wandering the wilderness...

slip and slide!!

sooo fun!

students carrying Moses' bones

So we have returned from the Wilderness! It poured rain for 2 days which was quite ironic as we were supposed to be desert wandering… It was an amazing couple of days though. God was really at work in my heart and it really felt like a personal retreat with God in a way. Also, it was great bonding with my students. I got the chance to get to know some girls that I hadn’t had a chance to yet, and it was so refreshing! I know these bonds will last through the whole school so I’m really thankful to have had these couple days together to get to know each other.  We had the students act out the book of Numbers, which proved to be quite amusing! All in all, it was a great time…loved having so much time to get to know students, pray with eachother, spend time in worship, and just be with God.  Oh, and since it poured rain and we didn’t know what else to do with our time, we set up a huge tarp, got some dish soap, and had a full on slip and slide…don’t think I’ve done this since I was like 8 or something, but I will be doing it again! It was SOO fun!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Random photos of life lately..

sailing trip

ywam harvest party

Ben on sail boat

me and Jo

pumpkin carving

ha ha...Passover assignment

bonding with students

Joe is great

reunited with Janice!!! finally! oh ya, this is our new apartment!

New Home!

Sorry I know it has been awhile, things have been a little crazy here in Kona! God totally hooked me up with the perfect apartment, literally right across the street from my classroom and office here on campus. I moved in last week, and my best friend from my SBS, Janice, arrived on Sunday afternoon and moved in. We are slowly furnishing it with garage sale findings, donations from other people etc…It actually doesn’t look that bad all things considered! We’re still sleeping on air mattresses but it’s actually pretty comfy! I LOVE having a home, and am soo grateful that God provided us with this place, at exactly the right price, in exactly the right location. School is going great as well…we just finished up on Deuteronomy. There have been a lot of emotions and tears among the girls in my small group, and that has been hard. I know God gave me my soft heart, but sometimes it’s really hard because I feel others pain so deeply! The girls in my small group share with me about how much they are struggling and how hard the school is and I cry with them because it’s like I feel their emotions. So strange, but it’s like God has given me this huge heart just for them and it’s like He’s given me His love for them and His eyes to see them. Wow, such a privilege to be able to walk beside these students. One thing that it’s really done for me is remind me just how much God worked in my heart and transformed my life during my SBS. As they share their struggles, I’m reminded that I don’t struggle in these areas much anymore, and how much I did before my SBS. I’m amazed everyday to be reminded of how the Word of God literally set me free. He is so good.
We leave tomorrow for “Wilderness Wanderings”….it’s a 2 day trip where we stay in cabins and wander the wilderness like the Israelites. I’m really looking forward to getting away, and having time to just bond and be with my students. Please pray for safety, unity among the group, and a time to form deeper friendships centered around God.
I will put up pictures of my new place soon!
To my family- I am homesick for you guys. I wish you were all here.
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support