So in 1 day I say goodbye to London...this part of outreach is done. We ve already said most of our goodbyes and as usual, I got too attached to people and had a really hard time with this. They say in ywam it gets easier over time, but its been almost 3 years for me now and i have yet to see that happen! But, I think if Im sad to leave it means I had a really good time, so I guess Id rather be sad to leave than glad. Sunday night was our last night with the guys at the homeless shelter. The last couple weeks Ive spent most of my time there with a couple guys from Lithuania. They dont speak much English, but google translate is an amazing tool! We were able to have such good talks. They opened up so much about their addictions, and I was able to tell them about my God who can set them free, and share a little of my story. One of the older men promised me if I was able to get him a Bible in his language he would read it. The next day my friend Jiles had already bought 2 Lithuanian Bibles! We all signed them and Jiles will give them to the guys next week at the shelter. I am praying that the words will bring life to their souls, like they do to mine. I would say the work at the night shelter has been the most life changing experience of this trip so far. God really opened my eyes and gave me a piece of His heart for these people who are so lost. I cried a lot when we got home after saying goodbye. So overwhelmed by the brokenness in my new friends, and so sad to not have a chance to share and pray with them more.
The last 3 Saturdays we held a seminar on discipleship training here in Newham. I taught on the topic of Lordship, and was able to share a bit of my story with the class about my journey to making Jesus Lord over every area of my life... As i prepared to teach, my excitement was renewed like crazy for what God can do with my life, if I give it FULLY to Him. Some areas can be so hard to let go of-but so far I ve always missed out when Ive tried to do it on my own. So, ya, that was super fun to teach and our class was amazing! The presence of God was very heavy on the room and I was very impacted by the whole experience as we covered different topics like Gods Father heart, making Jesus Lord, repentance and forgiveness, etc. Met some really cool people and felt so priviledged to have a chance to teach and share.
Today, a friend had us over for high tea!! It was the most beautiful set up I ve ever seen, and i think now i wont need to eat for a week.
Leaving for Thailand on Monday morning, followed by a 20 or something hour bus ride to Cambodia!! SOOOO excited to get there!!! Will keep you posted on the going ons as best as I can!
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