Friday, December 16, 2011

one season over.

Okay, so we are in week 11 of the FCM. Week 11. I feel like I just got here, but next week is the final week of lecture phase here in Perth. Why is it that just as I start to settle in and open up and really start to love this base, the season is ending? Last night we had “Commissioning night”, which is where all of us students who are at the end of our lecture phase of school, get prayed over and commissioned onto the next phase-outreach. It was such a beautiful night, each school got up and talked about what the last 3 months had meant to them. I have to say I was feeling pretty sentimental. What I love about YWAM Perth, is that it’s not as big as YWAM Kona. What this means is that you actually get to know pretty much everyone on the base, to some degree or another. There are only 80 something students this semester, which makes it so much easier to get to know people in other schools. So, even though you can’t possibly get to know everyone super well, you still end up feeling like one big family. Last night each person in my counseling school was asked to choose one word which describes the previous 3 months of study. My word was restoring.  It’s really the best word I can think to sum up how God has been at work in my life. Restoring the walls that were broken down…or more like broken down, stomped on and thrown to the wind with no real faith that they’d ever be rebuilt. But the cool thing is, they were! I’ve never known this side of God so clearly- He is my healer. The more I meet people of every age, culture, and background, and the more I study the area of counseling, the more I realize that we are all more or less broken-which is why we need Jesus so desperately. Because He’s the only one who can truly heal and restore. I love that I get to pursue counseling in a way that really keeps Jesus at the center.
So, here are some photos from our commissioning night last night, hope you like them.

so nice to have Jenny here in Perth

my ywam experience is never complete without a few Koreans.


  1. so thankful that you have had this time of healing and growth and I know that God is going to bless you b/c of your willingness to be open and heal!
    xox mama

  2. Yay, Rach!!! Thanks for the update! You look amazing and sounds like it's been an awesome time of healing and restoration... Love ya and hope to see you again around this small world. :)
