Thursday, September 23, 2010

what?! teaching in 2 weeks?

Hey guys,
things here are busy, busy, busy as we prepare for our students to arrive. Currently I'm making welcome cards and baskets, choosing my small group etc... Also, was asked to do a teaching in less than 2 weeks! Are they kidding?! I don't know what I'm doing yet! But since I seem to like a challenge and didn't think I had quite enough on my plate yet :) , I said yes. Oh boy. So, the fun part is that I get to choose a story from Genesis to teach on. I prayed and decided to teach on Jacob and Rachel...awww... I did always love this story. So please, please pray for me as I prepare, I really want to help my students to understand this story and how they can apply it to their lives. Also, want to be able to be there for my students as they are settling in, and have time to prepare a teaching that will help them. I'm so thankful for this amazing learning opportunity, all fears aside. On another fun note, I am currently apartment hunting! I have been really feeling lately that I'm to make this more of a home. I think I'm over the whole transient, wanderer phase (at least for the time being :) and want a place that can be home for me. I also feel this will be a great way to connect with my students as I can get them off campus and have them over so they can get a much needed break. My good friend Janice is moving back here in November so we'll be living together. Please pray that the right place for us will open up. We need something close to campus, and reasonable in we are still Ywam ers after all.. :)
thanks for your thoughts and prayers, would love to hear from you all.


  1. hi rachie, this might not let me comment.

  2. hooray, this worked... rachie I love you and I am so proud of you. I love what God is doing in your life, and I know he will do great things through you. what a blessing you are going to be to the students you will be working with.
    xoxoxoxox your mamama
